Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dum dum dum dum duuuuuum dum*

(*Pomp and Circumstance hummed by moi)

Yesterday was my graduation. My mom flew over to be here with me (and also to help pack my things for my return). Regrettably, my boyfriend was still on a mission, and wouldn't be able to attend my graduation either (phooey, phooey, phooey...). It was to be a 2 hour ceremony: the university orchestra would play a bit, then the 3 top graduates would present their masters thesis, and then the diplomas would be handed out in alphabetical order.

Well, I had marked the time in my day-planner: 4 pm. Nerdboy was going to meet us there, to offer moral support, too. So at 3:45pm we met in front of the main building to go to the ceremony in Aula 1. I was surprised that no one else was there yet.

So we walked to the doors and they were already handing out the diplomas! They were at “H” already. 15 minutes later “T” came round, and it was my turn to go up on stage to get my diploma. But how close we came to missing it! I can't believe I nearly missed my own graduation. I still don't know what happened. Somehow the time was changed, and I failed to inform myself.

But I did manage to make it in time to get my diploma, so things could have been worse!

Before: Nervous or excited? Couldn't decide.

Just after picking up my diploma

Tee hee...I was sooo tickled. That may just look like a normal piece of white paper with some black ink on it, but trust me, your eyes deceive you. That is actually a terribly expensive piece of paper, and represents many years of sweat and tears!

My mother expressing her joy that this is all over, too!


Blogger airforcewife said...

You are so awesome! Gorgeous and smart!

3:26 AM  
Blogger Rachelle Jones said...

Congrats on the expensive piece of paper....

now take a nap...

3:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so proud of you! You did it! Whooo-hooo!

4:01 AM  
Blogger Day by Day said...

Congrats! It's been a long journey...

7:23 AM  
Blogger Sue said...

Fantastic! Congratulations! A long journey but well worth it!

And you look SOOO happy!!!!

8:55 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

You don't have to wear a cap and gown, huh? At my college grad, my friend and I couldn't contain our giggles that our cheap crappy gowns had a tag inside that said "for one use only"! Apparently Jostens doesn't want you to break their monopoly and re-sell your gown!

4:54 PM  
Blogger KC said...


What an accomplishment, I'm excited for you!


7:30 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Congrats!!! I can't imagine all the hard work...

That is so exciting. By the way, is that a Banana Republic linen skirt?? If it is, I have the same one and LOVE it.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

CONGRATS! You are finally done and Iam sure you are so relieved! Iam very happy for you and it is good to "see" your mom again!

1:17 AM  
Blogger Teresa said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! You look wonderful. Love that expensive piece of paper!

I'm so glad your mom was there with you. I'm sorry your boyfriend couldn't be there - but since I just got an email from my son, I'm guessing I know where he was.

I just love that last pic of you and your mom - it's outstanding. *grin*

4:55 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

BIG Congrats!

6:57 AM  
Blogger Only $19.95 said...

So now whenever we chat, you'll be slummin'!!! You can wear the neato German stuff and I'll wear the blue jumpsuit with the bratwurst and mustard stains!

Seriously? You are now an official Rock'n'Roll star and I am proud of you! Here's my totally unique congratulatory statement:

Congratulations Cali!

Too bad that your dude couldn't be there, but, shoot, YOU almost missed it!!!

4:49 AM  

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