Saturday, July 16, 2005

More bloggers from the 'Stan

I was at Mudville's Noon (Dawn) Patrol today...and when I read this (in reference to Afghanistan), I thought I had to do something to change the situation:

Editor's Note: Most of these MilBloggers have rotated out. Hope to find some new ones soon.

So, after some searching at Technorati, here are some newly discovered Afghani or environs bloggers:

Robert E. is an American soldier blogging from Bagram.

The Fortunate Son is a soldier from Texas in Afghanistan.

Then Miserable Donuts seems to be a new blog with multiple contributors, and at least one (Major John) in Afghanistan. This picture is priceless...some local Afghani celebs.

Okay...these guys aren't in Afghanistan, but they are close enough: The Real World Uzbekistan. And turn up your speakers...all those children of the 80s will smile with nostalgia.

Martin is a Canadian Reservist serving in Afghanistan. He has some great pics at Kodak that he links to in some of his posts.

The Cajun Technomancer, seems to be a contractor who was based out of Bagram, but is now temporarily on a smaller base. To get there, he probably was flown by Big Windy:

Also, I finally got to ride in a helicopter. I had to take a Chinook out here, and it was pretty cool. It was a night flight, but the full moon was out, so it was quite nice. Funny thing is that the parts of Afghanistan that we flew over look EXACTLY like something out of one of those military flight simulator games. If you seriously want to get a good idea of what the country's like here, rent "Hero" or "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." Both of those films were shot in the western province of Xinjiang, China which is about maybe 150km from Bagram to the NE. Dry, scrub steppe and mountains. It's pretty scenic in a harsh landscape, Badlands type of way.

I found a blog from a stand-up comic who is on tour in Afghanistan, and he is a riot:

Wicked Show at Camp Pheonix. Ok, so there was about eleven of the guys from the french military who showed up, and it was like a gift from the comedy gods. They were all wearing tight latex tops, and the most unbelievably short shorts I had ever seen. I just asked them some really polite questions about how comfortable they were in they're outfits, and if they really felt that was the look of a great soldier... and it killed the place went wild. They seemed to lie it to, but hey who knows with the french. Word of mouth from the last show we did really packed the place, and I was seriously impressed with the hotness of some of the Army women. They were damn fine, course I've been here for four days... by the end of the tour the Uzbekistani women will probably be looking fine. Uzbeki women by the way do not celebrate the same esthetics we do, for example symytry and leaness are not valued as much as a sturdy wood hauling back and a rounded shoulder hump.

He also has some awesome pics.

I also found a German blogger in Kabul. I don't quite know what he is doing there, I'll have to read up a little more.

And here is a French kid, doing an internship in Kabul.

Okay...well, that is all for now.


Blogger LTC John said...


I just back from the Bagram area a bit ago. I originally was the Instapundit Afghanistan Correspondent from April 2004-2005. What you see on Miserable Donuts is what I took in that period. I still have some friends there, and occasionally they will send me follow ups on projects I had started, etc.
Thanks for the plug, however, and I will continue to try and be a small window to the 'stan.

2:24 AM  
Blogger Household6 said...

Thanks for the links. I like looking at other stuff from time to time (and when I have time).

AKA Miss Stella

7:54 AM  

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