Monday, March 13, 2006


Friday night two weeks ago, my boyfriend and I were at the video store on post looking for some DVDs to rent for the weekend...and the store looked as if it had been robbed. There were hardly any New Releases left, and many of the other shelves were looking pretty bare. So we were pretty dejected going through everyone's leftovers, when I happened upon Arrested Development, a series I had first heard about through Bee, when she was pouting about its cancellation. So I convinced my significant other that we should should rent that disk. So we went home, unsuspecting of the whole new world that was about the unfold in front of us.

We sat on the couch and were introduced to the Bluth family. And the rest was history. We are now the proud owners of Season One, and will soon purchase Season Two.

The attraction to Arrested Development is hard to describe. It is basically a very un-PC show, with story lines that leave you laughing out loud at the witty dialog and wildly outlandish scenarios. I think I can most closely compare it to Fawlty Towers and BBC' The Office, or alternately its American counterpart, NBC's The Office, and a little bit of The Simpsons and South Park thrown into the mix.

And after each episode we lamented the fact that this wonderful series was canceled. However, last night while chatting with my mother on the phone, and telling her again about how fabulous the show was, she mentioned that she had read that some other TV channel was looking to pick it up instead. Showtime is looking into picking it up where Fox dropped it off!


Blogger nicole said...

Yes! I loved this show! I too rented the series while in Germany (I was a TV series addict). It was hard to follow at first, because, like you said, the humor is a little different but I ended up laughing so hard. Good stuff!!!

4:11 PM  
Blogger StoicMom said...

My husband loved this show. I watched it a couple of times but I'm not a big TV watcher so I never got hooked, but what I saw was hilarious, if a bit odd.

4:24 AM  
Blogger Only $19.95 said...

Ohmygosh. My father sent us season one when I was still in Stuttgart. I loved it and laughed and laughed. I'm glad you're enjoying it, too!

4:11 AM  

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